At valueU we are experts in helping you define and enable success for your organisation, your people and for you as the leader.
We are always on the look out for tools that used expertly, will help you get there and Motivational Maps is definitely one of them.
Motivational Maps is the tool to build business success and profits by improving staff and team motivation, which leads to improved decision making, more effective communication and less conflict.
So what is it?
The Motivational Map is an ISO accredited online self-perception inventory that crucially
focuses on motivation rather than personality. And when we talk about motivation we
mean the energy that drives people and therefore you can equate that to what engages
them. It takes all of 12 minutes to complete online and not only enables people to
understand what motivates them at a deeper level, but will also help them decide what to
do with that knowledge in order to improve their own performance as well as the teams’
and the organisations’.
Each individual who completes a map will receive a personalised report by return and will
either have feedback from a map practitioner or will have access to an online course that
will enable them to work through their map on their own.
There is a team map available for the manager and the leaders of the organisation could
also have access to an organisational map.
So now you will have the opportunity to look at engagement, motivation and energy at an individual, team and
organisational level and take action appropriately.
We believe that this tool gives back some of the responsibility and accountability to the people in the organisation, to ensure they get what they need to feel energised and in flow.
How to use them
Individuals, teams and the organisation
Motivational Maps can help your organisation:
1. Improve team performance
2. Reduce stress and sickness and enhance well-being
3. Improve staff retention
4. Recruit the best candidate for every position
5. Leverage team performance and address motivational issues with team members
6. Reduce conflict
7. Impact sales, engagement and culture
8. Provide a common language through which everyone can understand what they want
and align with team and organisational objectives
9. Give management an overview of what is really going on with their employees
10.Provide a cost-effective change management tool that actually maps the changes of the
whole staff.
Individual Motivational
Maps identify how
strong each of the
preferences are in
relationship to each
other. A Map
practitioner can help
individuals and
managers use that
knowledge to improve
own career decisions
and management
skills. Ideal for
individuals, coaches
and managers
Team Motivational
Maps demonstrate
how motivated a team
is. a team Map is
created from the
combined results of
individuals in the team.
A team leader or
manager can work with
a Map Practitioner to
understand the
motivations of their
team. Ideal for leaders,
coaches, consultants
and trainers.
Using Motivational
Maps in an
organisation can show
them how their
employees motivators
appear against their
values, mission and
vision. The Maps
provide information
and insight at a much
deeper level that is
traditionally ascribed
to a “staff survey”.
Ideal for senior
management, L&D/
OD/HR teams,
engagement, change
and strategic
consultants, coaches
and trainers.
To find out more about Motivational Maps and how you can use them, download our guide here.
Or better still contact us to get a free Motivational Map and half an hour debrief session so that you can try it out for yourself.
To look at a sample report, click on the image below