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What's the missing ingredient in your engagement programmes?

Why is it that despite the focus on engagement, the investment, the work that is being done, 70% of employees are still not engaged? (Gallup 2017). Deloitte in their Human Capital Trends Report for 2017, say that companies are now focussing on the entire employee experience rather than narrowly focussing on engagement and culture - and yet the needle is still not shifting on engagement.


In my work on engagement there is one thing that I have noticed that is missing - enabling people to find out what it really is that will engage them and motivate them, and then helping and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own engagement.


Does it mean that the organisation no longer has to create a culture that fosters engagement? Of course not. But just as we embrace the fact that we as individuals are responsible for our own happiness and success, we also must embrace that we are responsible for our own engagement.


At valueU we use a simple tool called "Motivational Maps" to enable people to uncover what really gives them energy, what really engages and motivates them.  We then work with you in a number of ways:


  • Individual coaching

  • Team coaching (using the team maps) and team development workshops

  • Organisation wide enabling teams to work better together.


Once everyone understands what motivates them and what motivates others, you can all take responsibility for creating an environment that supports each and every person.


We can also train you to use the Maps within your organisation and accredit individuals as Licensed Map Practitioners as well as give you the coaching skills that will enable you to get the most out of each Map session.


To find out more, download the guide to using the Motivational Maps here and then contact me at to discuss your next steps.






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